
Showing posts with the label unlawful

Law-Related Books TBR

$69.95 Thirteen of the greatest lawyers in the country, such as Robert S. Bennett, Alan Dershowitz, Mark Lanier, Bryan Stevenson, and Tom Girardi share with you the powerful secrets from their most interesting cases, from depositions to trials to appeals. Lawyers can apply these techniques immediately in their practice. Non lawyers will get a front row seat to these fascinating lawyers and the turning points in their most intriguing cases. There are also 447 tips summarized in chapter checklists. Leaders of the best litigation organizations and judges have called Turning Points the best trial advocacy book. In addition, the book's website has related audio and video clips that enhance the lessons that are taught. Today's most successful lawyers benefit from the wisdom described in this book and now you can too. The book is divided into seven parts: opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, cross-examination of the expert witness, closing argument, d...

Law-Related Books TBR

$69.95 Thirteen of the greatest lawyers in the country, such as Robert S. Bennett, Alan Dershowitz, Mark Lanier, Bryan Stevenson, and Tom Girardi share with you the powerful secrets from their most interesting cases, from depositions to trials to appeals. Lawyers can apply these techniques immediately in their practice. Non lawyers will get a front row seat to these fascinating lawyers and the turning points in their most intriguing cases. There are also 447 tips summarized in chapter checklists. Leaders of the best litigation organizations and judges have called Turning Points the best trial advocacy book. In addition, the book's website has related audio and video clips that enhance the lessons that are taught. Today's most successful lawyers benefit from the wisdom described in this book and now you can too. The book is divided into seven parts: opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, cross-examination of the expert witness, closing argument, d...

Unlawful Displacement of Local Citizens

Brief History of Missouri Wesleyan College On October 24th this was taken place. On October 31st, action was taken upon those involved. But the citizens of Cameron, MO was told nothing was to be done until November 7th. However, the tenants were told otherwise. Cameron, MO Despite giving only a 7-day notice the city continued to unlawfully displace local tenants. In accordance to their own city ordinances, they have not followed a single thing needed to be done. Instead they think offering the tenants a week free stay at some hotel to be considered "helping the tenants" yet when day 8 roles around, what then? What will they do then? They have each called the city landlords to help yet none are willing solely because of the place the y were currently residing. THAT'S DISCRIMINATION. And according to city ordinances if a place is truly deemed a public safety issue then placards must be placed around premises stating so, and any nearby sidewalks and streets mus...